FORCE-CAM is a diverse organization with expertise in many fields, giving us the ability to assist communities in a variety of developmental areas. We assisted the community of Njipntoh-Ndu, Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region of Cameroon to rehabilitate the dilapidated and non-functioning gravity-flow water system affecting between 2,300 to 2,600 people. It was through part community contribution and involvement that the water system was rehabilitated and once again active, impacting in large part, women and children who act as water carriers. Due to lack of potable water, carriers walk more than 1 mile each day to fetch potable water for their families. Rehabilitation of phase one of the water system has a large socio-economic impact for the affected community. Phase 2 extended the water system to three other villages, carried Replica Jaeger-LeCoultre Atelier Reverso Arrives out water point protection and constructed a water filteration tank for one of the water sources which we tested and found it contaminated.